How you can inspire learning through design.
In our final look into environmental design and how it can benefit your students, we explore the positive impact it has on learning.
St Laurence’s CoE Primary School
We have previously spoken about the influence our surroundings can have on our general mood and productivity.
It’s a well known fact that our environment can, and does, heavily influence our behaviour and attitude, so it makes sense to use this knowledge to our advantage - particularly in a learning environment.
One of the most significant impacts design has on students' moods is student motivation. The way a school looks can influence the energy and how motivated students are when they walk in each day.
When we are in an environment that makes us feel great, we feel more inclined to engage and are more motivated to participate.
To set the tone and create a vibrant, warm welcome, St Laurence’s CoE Primary had us install our ‘Welcome Wall’, combined with their house colours, to ensure that all those who pass through their reception are greeted with their values; knowing that whoever they are and wherever they are from, they are welcome, thus establishing a strong feeling of belonging.
We see you.
Bramford Primary
As a whole, the population is made up of approximately 65% visual learners.
Utilising the walls and other surfaces to create engaging displays within your school is one way tap into this.
For schools who want to add a visual component to their lessons, we are able to create dynamic wall art with curriculum-related themes. Consequently, students become more receptive to learning by interacting visually with the material.
Additionally, visual suggestions can encourage conversation and innovative teaching strategies. In order to inspire and engage students, schools are increasingly utilising walls beyond the classroom in addition to those within.
The lessons you offer and values you hold as a school can be enhanced by your educational setting.
Additionally, it can inspire and encourage students to be open to learning. Ensuring that students enter the classroom with a good outlook on learning is crucial and we offer a wide range of options, to help you meet the goals of each area within your school.
Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School had a series of our ‘Blueprint’ Wonderwalls with bespoke elements installed throughout several departments. This created unique way-finding opportunities and simultaneously offers up a visual reminder of the schools’ values.
Graphics, such as a timeline, which illustrate a historical period or significant breakthroughs can pique students' interest and help reinforce and enhance their learning.
Bramford Primary opted for our ‘Happy History’ timeline, which depicts the chronological progress of humankind. All characters are created by our in-house illustrator, then printed and installed by our production and installation team.
Where to from here?
If you would like to dial your student engagement up, we encourage you to start a conversation with us where we can discuss the options available to you that best fit your needs.
With no job too big or small, we welcome any and all opportunities to help make sure that school is the most exciting and inspiring place to be.
Using the ‘Book Now’ button below to schedule a free consultation, you can start your journey towards making education look great.
“The quality of the wall art is fantastic and has added an additional learning feature.”